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Servicios al cliente omnicanal

ABACUS - a powerful ML-based tool that optimizes Prices and Rating processes in insurance companies. ABACUS is highly adaptive to every legacy system and easy to integrate with any external one. It consists of two engines: Pricing Engine for use by actuaries in premium model development and Rating engine for use by underwriters for premium adjustment business rules creation (loadings, discounts, taxes, fees, caps etc.), deployment and management. Although connected as processes, each Engine can operate as a stand-alone solution. 


ABACUS's uniqueness lies in bringing game-changing technological innovations in redefining pricing and rating. ABACUS brings next level speed and accuracy to these processes, minimizing the error-prone, cumbersome manual efforts and allowing a wider range of users to work with the sophistication of applied mathematics. ABACUS’s innovation lies in two distinct fields:  

First, for the Pricing engine, adding ML-based algorithms to the commonly used GLM models allows a greater number of risk factors to be taken into account and captures more complex patterns and non-linear dependencies between them. Something that is not possible to achieve relying solely on GLM models.  

This new approach results in more precise segmentation, better risk assessment and ultimately another level of personalization.  


Second, for the Rating Engine, the process of deploying the new approved prices is completely automated, boosting the time to market capabilities of the insurer. It removes the need for manual and error-prone configuration of premium calculation rules thus removing the process IT dependency entirely. 

Arquitectura General de Beth
  • Mejora la disponibilidad de agentes en vivo para ayudar a los consumidores con consultas más complejas 

  • Brinda asistencia de navegación a los consumidores con tareas generales y específicas que incluyen, entre otras, Cotización, FNOL, Centro de asistencia / reemplazo de llamadas, Corredores, Agentes.

  • Servir como un comprador activo, incluida la creación de procesos competitivos que aumentan la experiencia del Cliente 

  • La Plataforma Beth proporciona un sólido soporte basado en ML para la gestión del diálogo y amplios flujos de conversación.

  • Se puede volver a entrenar fácilmente, actualizarse para correcciones, cambios y nueva información. 

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