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Beth is alive

Our Intelligent Virtual Assistant for Insurance Beth is ready to meet the clients of insurers and brokers, giving them the freedom to reach easily, at any time and in a natural language their insurer, and to receive round-the-clock answers and advice on all topics, related to the insurance process. 

Beth's birth was made possible by the joint efforts of Ablera's experts, with their in-depth knowledge of the insurance business and new technologies, and top professionals of IBM with experience on-field with Watson Assistant.  This joined team was formed to tackle the multiple challenges ahead of Ablera’s Intelligent Virtual Assistant Beth.  

The Watson product training and technology transfer was accomplished by IBM team well established with complex implementations for various big European customers, during a series of workshops held over the past six months. This gave a powerful impetus to the development of Beth, ensuring that the product will have the necessary flexibility and functionality so that it can be implemented and used by insurers in different countries quickly and effectively. 


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